許媽媽是一位五十多歲的歐巴桑。她有點駝背,身高只有一百四十幾公分,大字也不識一個,只能做一些最低階的勞力工作,例如洗碗。 繼續閱讀
許媽媽是一位五十多歲的歐巴桑。她有點駝背,身高只有一百四十幾公分,大字也不識一個,只能做一些最低階的勞力工作,例如洗碗。 繼續閱讀
It’s up to us to write what happens next TOGETHER!
Please share out wisely! Do something for our next generation.
TAIPEI – Zookeepers in Taiwan reunited their first newborn panda with its mother for the first time since it was taken away at birth.
The heartwarming reunion had the baby calling for its mother as the giant panda licked and cuddled her baby inside a cage.
Zookeepers had to keep the endangered animals away from each other as the baby was cared for in an incubator. The experts said the cub needed round-the-clock monitoring after it was injured while being bred.
The cub was born over a month ago, and while Tuesday’s reunion wasn’t permanent, zookeepers hope to watch over the baby’s progress so they can reunite them again formally.
HTC可以多千變萬化? 讓國際巨星Robert Downey Jr. 來揭曉!#HTChange
宏達電邀請電影《鋼鐵人》男主角小勞勃道尼(Robert Downey Jr.)出任為期2年的品牌代言人,原本由小勞勃道尼擔綱演出的廣告短片,預計15日在全球首播,但因市場討論話題相當熱烈,宏達電已提前在今天9點左右就將短片上傳到網路,讓所有消費者都可看到這則長達2分鐘的廣告短片。